Category: Presse & Medien

afh joins Hearing Day of Action at the UKSH Health Forum with Lecture and Hearing Tests

On May 13, 2023, the Hearing day of action at the UKSH health forum, took place at Lübeck’s CITTI Park. Under the motto „Knowledge creates Health“, attendees had the opportunity to get information on all issues relating to hearing health. Experts were available for questions. The afh contributed to the lecture program and also offered free hearing tests. The day of action was organized by the Danish-German network of expertise „Hörakustik am Belt“ (HABelt) and the Lübeck „HörHanse“.

Exchange in Amman: afh takes part in the Arab Hearing Health Conference for the 9th time

From May 4 to 6, 2023, ENT specialists, audiologists and experts in the rehabilitation of people with hearing impairments got together in Amman, Jordania. Focus of this conference is the international exchange of knowledge: In workshops and presentations, experienced afh lecturers, themselves hearing-aid professionals, practice-relevant training content on the highest level. The afh has been a partner of the conference for nine years now, contributes with specialist articles and is actively involved in setting up the program of the event.

International Demand for afh Pediatric Acoustics Course

Hearing Health Care experts from Costa Rica, Tunisia, Bulgaria and Croatia visited the Academy of Hearing Acoustics from March 27 to 31, 2023, to attend the practice-oriented advanced course in pediatric acoustics, offered at the  „International Summer Academy“ (ISA). The Campus Hearing Acoustics has now organized advanced training courses in English for an international audience for 14 years.

Using Hightech Simulators: Training on „smart ears“

The afh is the first educational institution in Germany to use the state-of-the-art ear simulators in their practical training courses. Removal of cerumen and other tasks can be practiced on these lifelike ear simulators, while the interior view is transmitted to outside monitors. Observations and targeted feedback through lecturers is thus optimized. The „smart ears“ are mainly used in preparatory classes for the Master Craftsman/woman examination and other further education courses at the afh. An integration of this tool is also planned for the industry-wide training of apprentices.

International Summer Academy 2023: Pediatric Acoustics Class starts at the afh in March

Today’s World Hearing Day is a reminder how important an international exchange of knowledge is for a good supply with hearing systems worldwide. Practical advanced training courses on Campus Hearing Acoustics has connected specialists from this craft for many years now beyond countries and continents. This year, we will again offer classes in English during the International Summer Academy ISA 2023 for participants from all parts of the world. The first class will be held from March 27 to 31: ISA Pediatric Acoustic . Register via e-mail, only few places left.

Congratulations on successfully completing your vocational training!

The Hearing Acoustic Craft welcomes the new professionals. After successful completion of the journeyman examination, 192 graduates from all over Germany celebrated the end of their vocational training period on February 4, 2023.  Marianne Frickel, biha (Federal Guild of Hearing Acousticians) President for 25 years and passionately committed to the profession, conducted the festive graduation ceremony in line with old-craft traditions in the festive hall of the Lübeck Kolosseum.

Prick up your ears: “MiniMaster” Guest at afh

It’s never too early to start development programs and pass on your enthusiasm for your own profession. For this reason, the afh joined the Lübeck „MiniMaster“ series of events. On 23 January, Hearing Acoustic Master Craftswoman Larissa Barth and Master Craftsman Thomas Becker, B.Sc., who are part of the afh team of lecturers, explained to children between the age of 8 and 12 years, how hearing works in the auditorium on Campus Hearing Acoustics. They also discussed the options of hearing-aid acousticians, in case a hearing impairment is detected. The age-appropriate lecture „Prick up your ears“ was well received among the 100 curious participants. The event was fully booked in no time.

Ausbildertagung 2023: Teilnehmen und beste Prüfungsvorbereitung bieten!

Das Team des Campus Hörakustik lädt herzlich zur Ausbildertagung 2023 ein. LBS und afh informieren während der Tagungstermine über wichtige Prüfungsthemen, die sie gemeinsam mit Vertretern der Gesellenprüfungsausschüsse zusammengestellt haben. Dabei wird auf Besonderheiten und Neuerungen hingewiesen und aufgezeigt, wie Ausbilderinnen und Ausbilder ihre Auszubildenden bestmöglich auf alle Prüfungsteile vorbereiten können. Es gibt Präsenztermine der Ausbildertagung in Mainz, Dortmund und Lübeck sowie einen Online-Termin. Um eine baldige Anmeldung über das afh-Buchungsportal wird gebeten.

Professional Practice Day: Group of Lübeck Students visits Campus Hearing Acoustic

Students of the Carl-Jacob-Burckhardt Gymnasium (grammar school), the Emil-Possehl School and the St-Jürgen Comprehensive School used the professional practice day on January 19 to „listen in” to the vocational training program for Hearing Aid Professionals on Campus Hearing Acoustics. They were provided with an insight into the varied tasks, which are part of a Hearing-Aid professional’s occupational profile – and test their talent for craftsmanship with an ear mold.

Campus Hearing Acoustics Location for Educational Film

Parts of a new educational film for elementary schools about the senses were filmed on Campus Hearing Acoustics. In December, a WBF camera team shot some scenes about the sense of hearing on campus. The scenes show hearing measurements, the fitting of hearing systems and how to use them. Once completed the educational film will be made available as didactic material to all federal picture and media archives in Germany.