Next career move: Master Craftsman Certificate!
„Changing mindsets: Let’s make ear and hearing care a reality for all!“ – the motto of yesterday’s WHO World Hearing Day, underlines once again the social importance of everyone, who works in the hearing acoustic craft and ensures the professional care for people with hearing impairments, now and in the future. Hearing Aid professionals are sought-after, highly skilled professionals. With a master craftsman certificate, you are able to train apprentices and pass on your knowledge. So why wait for the next career step, after a successful completion of your apprenticeship? The Academy of Hearing Acoustics offers preparatory courses for the Master Craftsman examination in line with the new exam regulations, highly qualified lecturers and state-of-the-art equipment.
No matter if you decide to pursue a full-time Master Craftsman course of study or continue to work, while taking intensive preparatory classes, at the Academy of Hearing Acoustics, various courses are available to journeyman/woman to prepare for the Master Craftsman examination. Classes cover all required skills and knowledge based on the legal regulations for the Master exam.
System-relevant professions with a Master Craftsman requirement, as the profession of Hearing Aid professional are not inferior to a university course of studies. A hearing acoustic master craftsman may use the protected title „Bachelor Professional“. With a master craftsman certificate, you can open up your own company, train apprentices and hence contribute to the qualification of young professionals in the hearing acoustic craft. A career in teaching or research is also an option as a Master Craftsman.
You can register for the master craftsman preparatory courses on the booking portal of the Academy of Hearing Acoustics.