Due to their work-related position of counselling and taking care of people with hearing-impairments, hearing-aid professionals have a clear responsibility and distinct potential to make an inclusive society a reality. They sensitize on the proper care of the sense of hearing, show how to deal with hearing impairments and by fitting adequate hearing systems and additional devices, contribute to the care and rehabilitation of affected people. Their professional activities are geared towards keeping people with hearing-impairments self-reliant, improve their situation and enable them to take part in everyday life. Based on these values, the Campus Hearing Acoustics strives to make a sustainable contribution to an inclusive society and the implementation of UN Disability Rights Convention.
“Inclusion describes the equality of each individuum, without any assumption of normality. In fact, diversity, the existence of differences, is normal.”
Targets and measures are defined in the integration action plan.
We do, for example, offer the following support to apprentices, guests, and staff:
Hearing impairments, people wearing a hearing device or CI
With an above average percentage of hearing-impaired apprentices, guests, lecturers, and employees and in line with our professional self-image, the integration of hearing-impaired people is particularly important to us.
All bigger seminar and classrooms are equipped with loop facilities. For smaller rooms, or lower number of hearing-impaired people per learning group, other transmission equipment will be used. The teaching staff is trained on how to use the equipment and sensitized to ensure an optimal acoustic participation in the classes for everyone.
During the courses in Lübeck, digital transmission equipment is available for students to rent. It will be handed out, set and maintained by teachers of the vocational school.
In the boarding houses, hearing-impaired guests can rent a pack of equipment, which includes a flashing light and vibration pad which makes signals of alarm clock or other alert signals perceivable when sleeping.
Mobility Impairments
All public areas on campus are accessible. This is tested regularly with age simulators, walking aids and wheelchairs.
Accommodation in accessible rooms is available in the boarding houses and dormitories.
Food Intolerances and Allergies
We cater to special dietary needs in the school canteens for various food intolerances and allergies. Vegetarian options are available for any meal.
Action Plan Inclusion
All inclusion targets and measures are defined in the Action Plan Integration. The action plan is designed in an accessible manner.
Learn more about inclusion at the Federal Vocational School LBS