Master Craftsman Preparation

Master Craftsman Preparation

Master Craftsman Preparation

Master Craftsman Preparation

Master Craftsman Preparation

Master Craftsman courses of studies and intensive courses in Lübeck and Germany-wide

The Academy of Hearing Acoustics offers various courses for journeyman to prepare for the national Master Craftsman examination. All skills and competencies, which are required for the Master Craftsman examination (Federal Law Gazette), will be taught in these classes. Participants of the courses have the opportunity to prepare for the examination on a high technical level combining theory and practice with comprehensive guidance of experienced and competent lecturers. Moreover, material and equipment will be made available to them during the practical training, which can then also be used beyond the actual classes and on the weekend for practice.

Full-time Course („Master Craftsman course of study “) Parts I-IV

This course at the Academy of Hearing Acoustics extends over 11 months. All parts of the exam preparation are offered as a full-time course. Integrated into this course is also the preparation for the diploma/certificate „A.E.A.-European-Hearing Professional“, which we recommend. Participants of this course will also do research on a selected hearing acoustic topic next to the regular classes and then prepare a final paper. They will present this paper in a colloquium and discuss their findings in an expert talk.

Intensive Course Lübeck, Cologne, Munich, Würzburg Parts I and II

These classes are set up for journeymen, who are unable to attend full-time master craftsman preparation courses, enabling them to combine the work in their companies with the preparation for the master craftsman examination. At the before-mentioned course sites, all skills are taught in 7 weekend modules from Thursday to Saturday. Afterwards two weeks (60 units) of practical training will follow in Lübeck. The overall duration of this course up to the master craftsman examination extends over a 1-year period. Depending on the course, the examinations will take place in the summer or in the fall/winter.

Intensive Course Lübeck, Parts II and IV

Intensive exam preparation in 5 blocks at 28 teaching units each (Monday to Wednesday) at the Academy of Hearing Acoustic in Lübeck (currently online).

Online booking

Full-time Course

Full-time Master Craftsman course of study at the Academy of Hearing Acoustics, Part I-IV
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Intensive courses Part I & II

Intensive Master Craftsman preparation courses Part I and II in Lübeck, Cologne, Munich and Würzburg
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Intensive Courses Part III & IV

Master craftsman exam preparation part III and IV in Lübeck
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Günnewig, Beate


+49 (0)451 5029-109

Further Information

  • Available funding for the attendance of the master craftsman preparation courses

  • Master Craftsman Examinations

  • Upgrading Training Assistance Act (AFBG), December 2019

    The so-called “Meister BAfoG” is a statutory payment to support people undergoing training measures leading to advanced vocational qualifications. Funding can be claimed by anyone, who takes part in advanced vocational training measures, which satisfy the statutory requirements.

    Funding is partly in the form of a grant and partly in the form of a low-interest loan from the KfW Development Bank.

    Brief Overview

    1. Scope of Funding

    Generally funding is available for the first advanced vocational training qualification, e.g. Master craftsman course of study.
    Funding covers the course and examination fees as well as other exam fees (up to a maximum of 15,000 euros).

    People taking part in full-time measures can also receive a contribution towards the cost of living in addition to funding to cover training costs. This payment to cover living expenses is up to 892 EUR per month (singles). Depending on the individual’s income and assets as well as on the income of his or her spouse or life partner another 235 EUR are available per month, per child up to 235 EUR. Single parents with children are entitled to a lump sum childcare supplement of 150 euros.
    There is also funding available for the intensive courses under the Upgrading Training Assistance Act, if the total course (with part III and IV at the afh or with an external provider) encompasses at least 400 hours of training.

    2. Type of funding

    Grants for course and examination fees are available for up to 50%, for living expenses up to 100%. With successful completion of the Master Craftsman Examination another 50% of the remaining grant can be waived on application.
    The rest can be taken as a loan. The loan is available at low interest from the KfW Development Bank ( Re-payment of the loan will start at the latest 6 years after beginning of the training measures with a monthly payment of at least 128 EUR. In case of a business start-up within 3 years after completion of the advanced qualification measures, up to 100% of the loan may be waived.

    3.  Payment

    The amount for the living expenses will be paid monthly in advance. The grant for the course fees etc. will be paid with up to 4,000 EUR in a lump sum, otherwise when course fees are due. A payment plan can be agreed upon with the KFW Development Bank once the loan is granted.

    4. Applications

    First you need to submit an application with the competent funding office, which is generally the one of your place of residence. In most federal states, these are the regional and local authorities for upgrading training assistance.

    In any case, the application must be submitted prior to the beginning of the courses.

    For partial courses, please plan all parts and then submit application for all parts (max. period of 48 months).

    Short Overview „Meister-BAföG“ – Funding for Master Craftsman Courses of Study

    • Funding:
      Course and examination fees up to max. 15,000.- €
      50 % as a grant
    • Funding living expenses (only available for full-time course of study!):
      Singles up to 892.- € per month,
      spousal partner 235.- €, per child 235.- €
      100% as a grant
    • Depending on individual income and assets
    • Allowance individual assets (for living expenses):
      Singles 45,000.- €
    • Loan:
      interest and redemption free for up to 6 Jahre years,
      repayment up to 10 years,
      in case of business start-up up to 100 % waived

    Further information:

     „Master Craftsman Bonus“ and other funding available for Master Craftsmen in the Federal States

    More and more federal states offer a bonus payment for the successful completion of the Master Craftsman examination or a grant in case of a business start-up or takeover.

    Federal State Master Craftsman Grant
    Baden-Württemberg 1,500 Euro „Master Bonus“ for the successful completion of the Master Craftsman examination in a craft trade (as of 2020)
    Bayern 2,000 Euro Master bonus for the successful completion of the advanced vocational qualification
    Brandenburg 1,500 Euro „Master Bonus“ for the successful completion of the Master Craftsman examination in a craft trade
    Bremen 4,000 Euro for the successful completion of the advanced vocational qualification
    Hamburg 1,000 Euro Master bonus for the successful completion of the advanced vocational qualification
    Hessen 1,000 Euro „Master Bonus“ for the successful completion of the Master Craftsman examination in a craft trade
    Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 2,000 Euro „Master Bonus“ for the successful completion of the Master Craftsman examination; 5,000 Euro for the top of the class graduates in a craft trade
    Niedersachsen 4,000 Euro „Master Bonus“ for the successful completion of the Master Craftsman examination in a craft trade
    Rheinland-Pfalz 1,000 Euro Advance vocational qualification bonus upon completion of the examination
    Saarland 1,000 Euro „Master Bonus“ for the successful completion of the Master Craftsman examination
    Sachsen 1,000 Euro „Master Bonus“ for the successful completion of the Master Craftsman examination
    Sachsen-Anhalt 1,500 Euro „Master Bonus“
    Thüringen 1,000 Euro „Master Bonus“ for the top of the class graduates in a craft trade
    Federal State Start-up bonus for Master Craftsmen
    Berlin Up to 15,000 Euro
    Brandenburg Up to 15,000 Euro
    Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 7,500 Euro
    Niedersachsen 10,000 Euro
    Nordrhein-Westfalen 7,500 Euro
    Rheinland-Pfalz 2,500 Euro (Advanced Vocational Qualification bonus II)
    Sachsen-Anhalt 10,000 Euro
    Schleswig-Holstein 7,500 Euro


    The advanced qualification scholarship supports young professionals, who have graduated their apprenticeship to of the class and who want to pursue further qualification measures. The scholarship helps to finance professional and interdisciplinary further education courses of your choice.

    Eligible for a scholarship are high level further education courses – usually parallel to the regular work – among them also Master Craftsman preparation courses.

    Further information:

    No liability assumed for the correctness of this data

  • The Master Craftsman Examination in the Hearing Acoustic trade

    The Master Craftsman Examination for Hearing-aid Professionals consists of four parts:

    • Part I: Professional Practice
    • Part II: Professional Theory
    • Part III: Economics and Law
    • Part IV: Vocational Pedagogy

    Legal basis for the Master Craftsman examinations is the Hörgeräteakustikermeisterverordnung (HörgAkMstrV).

    Responsible for organization of the master craftsman examination, is the relevant master craftsman examination committee, in the local area, in which the examinee…

    1. …has his/her first place of residence
    2. …has an employment contract or
    3. …attends a master craftsman preparation course or
    4. …runs a craft or other business operation independently

    The examination committees of the craft chambers Halle and Rhinehessen offer examination dates harmonized with the master craftsman preparation courses at the Academy.

    Examination committee of the Chamber of Skilled Crafts Rhinehessen

    Master Craftsman examination department of the Chamber of Skilled Crafts Halle