Category: Presse & Medien
Training Otoplastik – ein Angebot der Akademie für Hörakustik
Fräsen üben mit erfahrenen Dozenten – jetzt anmelden!
Winter Graduation Ceremony: Congratulations on your journeyman/woman’s certificate
More than 138 hearing aid acousticians who passed their examinations this winter, have obtained their journeyman/woman’s certificate. The festive award ceremony took place at the Colosseum in Lübeck on February 1, 2025.
Job Offers
The Academy for Hearing Acoustics is hiring.
See our careers page for more information.
Digital Reporting: Simply keep online records of your vocational training
A report booklet used to be the central documentation tool during your dual training. The Federal Guild of Hearing Aid Acousticians now offers a smart solution to simplify the recording of training progress and content for trainees and training companies: instead of keeping a paper log of your training, you can now document everything online. Just request access to the digital report log which is available free of charge.
Tackle the Master Craftsman Certificate now – with the right preparation at the Academy of Hearing Acoustics!
Why wait to get your master craftsman’s certificate? Whether full-time or part-time, online, hybrid or face-to-face – the Academy of Hearing Acoustics offers different course formats in order to optimally prepare for the master craftsman’s examination.
Information on the Vocational Training and Career Opportunities in the Hearing Acoustician Trade during the Week of Professional Education
The Campus Hearing Acoustics provided information about dual training and career opportunities in the hearing acoustician trade as part of the “Vocational Training Week Schleswig-Holstein”, which took place from November 25 to December 1, 2024 under the motto “Opportunities and prospects with vocational training”.
Minister President Daniel Günther presents Special School Award for inclusion and Diversity
Der Ministerpräsident des Landes Schleswig-Holstein Daniel Günther besuchte am 8. November 2024 den Campus Hörakustik, um der Bundesoffenen Landesberufsschule für Hörakustiker und Hörakustikerinnen den Schul-Sonderpreis für Inklusion und Vielfalt zu übergeben.
EUHA Congress 2024: afh informs about career opportunities
From October 16 to 18, 2024, the International EUHA congress and trade show was held in Hanover. The well-visited exhibition stand of Federal Guild of Hearing Aid Acousticians and Campus Hearing Acoustics invited guests to an exchange on site. At the same time, the Academy of Hearing Acoustics informed about the many attractive career opportunities for hearing aid professionals on the” EUHA Live Area” stage in the new central meeting and networking space of the trade show.
BabyCARL – Ear Simulators for children valuable training support in pediatric acoustics
12 CARL ear simulators are in use at the Academy for Hearing Acoustics. Cerumen removal, ear imprints and hearing measuring – all health hazardous tasks can be practiced on these by apprentices and Master students. Two of the ear simulators are smaller than the others. CARLchen simulators are realistic replicas of a children’s head and the Academy for Hearing Acoustics is Germany’s first educational institution to introduce these.
Schriftenreihe in neuer Auflage veröffentlicht
Die Akademie für Hörakustik hat die beliebte Schriftenreihe “Informationen für die tägliche Praxis” überarbeitet, behutsam angepasst und im Bereich “Weiterbildung” neu veröffentlicht.
In vier Bänden werden hilfreiche Verfahren und Hintergründe zu den Themen CROS/BICROS, strukturierte Feinanpassuung, Messen nach Norm und Vertäubung praxisgerecht aufbereitet. Ideal zum Nachschlagen für Auszubildende, Gesellen aber auch für erfahrene Meister.