Category: Presse & Medien

EUHA Congress 2023: afh informs about further education and career opportunities

From October 18-20, 2023 the international EUHA Congress took place in Nuremberg for the 67th time. Participants of this most important event of our branch, had the opportunity to visit numerous events, workshops and an industrial fair. An afh team was on site and offered information about the diverse further qualification and education opportunities available at the Luebeck Campus of Hearing Acoustics, and the career prospects these create. Another highlight was the lecture of Germany’s only hearing-impaired head physician, Dr. med. Veronika Wolter. At the invitation of the Bundesinnung der Hörakustiker, she gave a very impressive and personal account of her personal journey and stressed the importance of hearing acousticians and paediatric acousticians for the care of children and adults with hearing defects.

Senator Pia Steinrücke explores Campus Hearing Acoustics and experiences innovation first hand

Die Senatorin für Wirtschaft und Soziales der Hansestadt Lübeck, Frau Pia Steinrücke, besuchte am Montag, den 18. September, den Campus Hörakustik. Dieser Besuch folgte ihrer Rede zur Gesellenfreisprechung im vergangenen Februar. Bei einem Rundgang bekam Frau Steinrücke Einblicke in die Theorie, Praxis und das Wohnen am Campus Hörakustik, an dem Anfang September die neuen Auszubildenden aus ganz Deutschland in den ersten Schul-Block ihrer dualen Ausbildung starteten.

City Cycling 2023: Campus Hearing Acoustics takes third place among all school teams

Fahrrad statt Auto, Bewegung und gute Laune statt CO2-Ausstoß: Das Motto hat das Team Campus Hörakustik beim STADTRADELN 2023 voll umgesetzt und den 3. Platz aller Schulteams erreicht. STADTRADELN ist ein internationaler Wettbewerb des Klima-Bündnisses, bei dem Teilnehmende in den Kommunen an 21 aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen so viele Fahrradkilometer wie möglich zurücklegen. Ziel: die umweltfreundliche Fortbewegung mit dem Fahrrad im Alltag fördern.

Training for international participants at the Academy for Hearing Acoustics

Vom 14. bis 18. August 2023 ist der Campus Hörakustik wieder zum internationalen Treffpunkt geworden: Gäste aus verschiedenen Ländern trafen sich zur „International Summer Academy“ (ISA), um sich an der Akademie für Hörakustik (afh) fortzubilden. Die Teilnehmenden besuchten den englischsprachigen Basiskurs, in dem Grundlagen der Hörsystemversorgung praxisnah und nach hohen deutschen Standards vermittelt werden. Der Termin für die ISA 2024 steht bereits. Anmeldungen und Vormerkungen sind möglich unter

Have a good start

Campus Hearing Acoustics wishes all apprentices a good start into the next training year and extends a warm welcome to all apprentices, who are starting a new chapter in their lives with their first year of vocational training.

Welcome to being a journeyman/woman

The hearing acoustic craft congratulates 651 young professionals from all over Germany to successfully completing their journeymen/women exams. The festive ceremony took place at the Music and Congress Hall (MuK) in Lübeck on July 15, 2023. Overall around 1,400 people joined, among them many congratulants from the fields of politics, crafts and the industry. Hundreds watched the celebration online in a live stream and were pleased for the graduates. This was Germany’s biggest journeymen/women graduation ceremony in a health craft this summer.

Campus Hearing Acoustics at Special Olympics with auditory screenings for athletes

Es war ein buntes Fest des Sports für mehr Anerkennung und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung: Bei den Special Olympics World Games vom 17. bis 25.06.2023 in Berlin
war ein Team vom Campus Hörakustik im Einsatz, um Athleten im Rahmen des Programms „Healthy Hearing“ Hörscreenings anzubieten. afh-Dozenten betreuten als Volunteers abwechselnd einen Stand für Hörtests bei dieser weltweit größten inklusiven Sportveranstaltung. Insgesamt 2.800 Hörtests wurden durchgeführt.

International Transfer of Knowledge:Train-the-Trainer-Courses in Egypt

5,000 km from Lübeck to Cairo. At the end of May 2023, three afh lecturers travelled all the way to Egypt, in order to train 40 Hearing Acoustic professionals. Led by Vincent Gansel, Head of International affairs and Industry, the first topic of the training courses was drilling and the manufacturing of individual ear molds. The 6-day seminar was concluded with a theoretical and a practical exam and an afh certificate for the successful participants.

Interdisciplinary co-operation on Hearing Acoustics: Launch of the HörHanse

With the launch of the Homepage , the alliance co-operation HörHanse (Hearing Hanse) has now gone public under the motto „We are hearing“. They are working at the Hanse Innovation Campus in Luebeck since April 01, 22023.  In an interdisciplinary approach the topic „Hearing“ will be advanced in research projects, courses of study, in the clinical field and in co-operations. The HörHanse consists of the afh (Academy of Hearing Acoustics), the LBS (Federal Vocational School, the biha (Federal Guild of Hearing Aid Acousticians), the  DHI (German Hearing-aid Institute), the Musikhochschule Luebeck, the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, the Luebeck University, Luebeck TH (University of Applied Sciences) and hear concept.

afh joins Hearing Day of Action at the UKSH Health Forum with Lecture and Hearing Tests

On May 13, 2023, the Hearing day of action at the UKSH health forum, took place at Lübeck’s CITTI Park. Under the motto „Knowledge creates Health“, attendees had the opportunity to get information on all issues relating to hearing health. Experts were available for questions. The afh contributed to the lecture program and also offered free hearing tests. The day of action was organized by the Danish-German network of expertise „Hörakustik am Belt“ (HABelt) and the Lübeck „HörHanse“.