Campus Hearing Acoustics welcomes vocational career coaches
On the initiative of the Lübeck Chamber of Crafts, 25 professional orientation coordinators visited the Campus Hearing Acoustic on April 23, 2024. Teachers of general education schools, who counsel students regarding their career choices, learned about the apprenticeship program in the hearing acoustic craft. After a guided tour and conversations with apprentices, lecturers and teachers of the vocational school on campus, the group agreed that they would suggest the modern health craft Hearing-aid professional with its excellent career options more often in their counselling sessions in the future. It was also discussed to offer a professional practice day for their students at the Campus Hearing Acoustics.
The group of 25 teachers was very impressed by the diversity of tasks performed in the profession of hearing aid professionals, which were presented to them during their visit. Stefan Kloth, in charge of the „Regional Partnership School and Businesses“ at the Lübeck Chamber of Crafts had established the contact between the teachers and the Campus Hearing Acoustics..
Stephan Fuesers, Field Executive of the Federal Vocational School for hearing-aid professionals, and Dr.Frederick Hahn, Head of Training and Continued Education at the Academy of Hearing Acoustics, led the tour and presented the modern, well-equipped measuring and fitting rooms as well as the otoplastic labs. They also provided short insights into selected classes in the fields of hearing systems fitting, service and maintenance.
Moreover, the guests had the opportunity to talk to lecturers, teachers and apprentices and learn more about the demanding and diverse tasks in this profession, which does not only require skilled craftmanship, but also medical and scientific knowledge, an interest in digital technology, as well as enthusiasm for the interaction with people, intensive communication and empathy.
The obvious joy and satisfaction with their apprenticeship and their career choice of all apprentices, they talked to, convinced the vocational coaches to consider this profession in their future career counselling sessions. Another visit of the Campus Hearing Acoustic, this time with students of Luebeck general education schools as part of a professional practice day is already planned.