Hearing Acoustic Academy takes part in 10th Arab Hearing Health Conference in Jordan

From May 2-4, 2024, lecturers of the Hearing Acoustic Academy attended the 10th Arab Hearing Health Conference (AHH 2024) organized by the Advanced Arab Academy of Audiovestibulogy (AAAA) in Amman, Jordan. This expert conference on rehabilitation for people with hearing impairments, combines medical and audiologic interests from the entire region and is the most important meeting for hearing aid professionals, audiologists and ENT specialists in the Arab world.

In well attended workshops and lectures, teachers from the Hearing Acoustic Academy talked about practice-relevant training content, which was met with keen interest from the international expert audience during the AHH 2024 in Amman.

One of the conference agenda items was a keynote speech by Jim Meißner, B. Sc. and lecturer at the Hearing Acoustic Academy, on “Individual loudness-based hearing aid fitting“. Moreover, Vincent Gansel, Hearing Acoustic Master Craftsman, lecturer and head of the international and industry department at the Academy, gave a lecture/work shop on ”Practical Aspects of the taking of ear impressions“. In another speech, Arthur Holl, Hearing Acoustic Master Craftsman and lecturer at the Hearing Acoustic Academy, reported on “Practical Aspects Cerumen Management“.

For many years now, the Campus Hearing Acoustics have been engaged in an exchange of expertise with the AAAA audiologists. Next to the Luebeck Hearing Acoustic Academy, the Jordanian Al-Ahliyya Amman University, the British Academy of Audiology, the Egyptian Audio-Vestibular Medicine Association Group and the American Salus University count among the five partners of the AAAA.