Campus Hearing Acoustics Location for Educational Film
Parts of a new educational film for elementary schools about the senses were filmed on Campus Hearing Acoustics. In December, a WBF camera team shot some scenes about the sense of hearing on campus. The scenes show hearing measurements, the fitting of hearing systems and how to use them. Once completed the educational film will be made available as didactic material to all federal picture and media archives in Germany.
The children, who took part as test personas and protagonists and thus ensured an age-appropriate realization of the educational film, were the real stars in front of the camera. They helped demonstrate what happens during hearing measurements in pediatric audiometry and how hearing systems may help when the sense of hearing is impaired.
Lecturers of the Campus Hearing Acoustics provided explanations complementing the filmed segments in a language children will understand, suitable for the young target group. The fitting rooms and other areas on campus provided the professional setting for the film recordings.
Apart from the sense of hearing, the educational film deals with the other senses, too. This requires the filming of further sequences at various locations. The WBF Gemeinnütziges Institut für Weltkunde in Bildung und Forschung (Non-Profit Institute for Science and Research) has produced high quality didactical films since 1962, which are provided to teachers by the picture and media archives in the federal states.