Exchange in Amman: afh takes part in the Arab Hearing Health Conference for the 9th time

From May 4 to 6, 2023, ENT specialists, audiologists and experts in the rehabilitation of people with hearing impairments got together in Amman, Jordania. Focus of this conference is the international exchange of knowledge:  In workshops and presentations, experienced afh lecturers, themselves hearing-aid professionals, practice-relevant training content on the highest level. The afh has been a partner of the conference for nine years now, contributes with specialist articles and is actively involved in setting up the program of the event.

With their participation in the conference, the afh expands the international network and shares knowledge and expertise with the participants, especially on aspects relevant to professional training: Magdalena Ferwagner, Simon Gawenda and Vincent Gansel, afh lecturers, conducted three workshops on taking ear molds for the individual fitting of hearing systems on children as well as WHO 4 hearing devices and what these are capable of nowadays. There was a keen interest in these workshops, which were fully booked right away.

The international „Arab Hearing Health Conference“ is held once a year and is organized by the Arab Audiovestibular Academy (AAAA). It covers medical and audiological interests in the field of hearing rehabilitation from the entire Middle East.

Experts of enormous experience, internationally and within the MENA region have their say at the conference: in over 10 years, more than 100 speakers from over 23 countries. Almost from the very beginning, the afh, which is an international example, when it comes to the vocational training of hearing acousticians.

The Summer Academy with a number of workshops, which is held annually, is another important component of international exchange and continued education. A few places are still available. Find here this year’s dates: