Welcome to being a journeyman/woman

Foto: © Olaf Malzahn

The hearing acoustic craft congratulates 651 young professionals from all over Germany to successfully completing their journeymen/women exams. The festive ceremony took place at the Music and Congress Hall (MuK) in Lübeck on July 15, 2023. Overall around 1,400 people joined, among them many congratulants from the fields of politics, crafts and the industry. Hundreds watched the celebration online in a live stream and were pleased for the graduates. This was Germany’s biggest journeymen/women graduation ceremony in a health craft this summer.

There were ample reasons to cheer and offer standing ovations for the audience at this journeyman/woman graduation ceremony, which marked the completion of their vocational training for 651 hearing acousticians on July 15, 2023. After successfully passing their journeymen/women exams and three years of vocational training in their relevant training companies, as well as on the Campus Hearing Acoustics. The graduates will now offer valuable, active support in the system of locally available care of hearing-impaired people and their supply with hearing systems in Germany.   

In his new role as biha President, Eberhard Schmidt greeted the new journeymen and women in the large MuK ballroom in Lübeck and led the traditional craft graduation ceremony. The Hearing Acoustic Master Craftsman congratulated them on successfully completing their interesting apprenticeship in a very modern health craft, which is in high demand. He encouraged the young professionals: “Give your customers the sense of closeness and competence. Show reliability, a variety of ideas and flexibility. Every customer, but also every young person, who considers to enter a vocational education, will realize the importance of craft.“ Eberhard Schmidt has been committed to promoting his profession for a many years now. “That’s why I hope to see you back at the Academy of Hearing Acoustics as a Master Craftsman/woman candidate in the not-too-distant future. Our Academy stands for quality, professional training and innovation“, added Eberhard Schmidt in his address to the young craft professionals.

Many other prominent speakers expressed their appreciation for the excellent performance of the graduates and their choice of profession. Among them also Daniel Günther, Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein. With a video message, he addressed the new hearing acoustic journeymen and women: “You have chosen a very interesting line of work.“ Günther congratulated and praised the graduates for successfully completing their apprenticeship:  Alleviating hearing problems, assisting in the process, is a very special task. “

Alexander Kraft, Head of School Development and Supervision at the Ministry for General and Professional Education, Science, Research and Culture of Schleswig-Holstein, personally congratulated the young professionals to obtaining their journeyman/women titles. “In your job, you will help make the lives of millions of people better. The Campus Hearing Acoustics has provided you with all the right tools for your profession“, said Alexander Kraft in his speech. He added: “Listening plays a very important role in hearing acoustics.  Listening begins with the acoustic process of hearing. Being able to listen, have understanding and accept controversial opinions, are basic conditions for a fair and constructive exchange. Listening is one of the corner stones of our democracy.“ Kraft was impressed, and proud about how the Campus Hearing Acoustics has developed over the last 50 years. “The Campus Hearing Acoustic is a beacon of light in the landscape of vocational training which shines brightly from Schleswig-Holstein to all of Germany“.

Hans-Jörg Friese, President of the Rheinhessen Chamber of Crafts, had travelled all the way from Mainz to congratulate the new journeymen and women from all over Germany for choosing to pursue a professional career in the system-relevant Hearing Acoustic health craft: “There is no comparable profession in Germany, I would even go so far as to say, nowhere in the world, which is devised of a guild. Where a center of excellence is maintained in Lübeck, to ensure a high-quality apprenticeship for young people, where the foundation is laid for their professional life“, said Friese.

Stephan Fuesers, Director of Studies at the Federal Vocational School for Hearing Acousticians (LBS), felicitated the graduates and praised the commitment of the training companies, the examiners as well as the unique inter-campus cooperation of learning locations between LBS and the Academy of Hearing Acoustics, its state-of-the art equipment and dedicated teachers and lecturers. Together, they have facilitated once again a vocational qualification in the hearing acoustic craft in line with the highest standards of professional training.

Leonard Cini, spokesman of the graduating student body, thanked all speakers on behalf of the new journeymen and women and mentioned the good training conditions on campus and in the companies. “The combination of craft works, the chance to help people and the interest in technology and sound appealed to me quickly and convinced me that hearing acoustics is a line of work, which will ensure a sound and fulfilling work life for me“, said Cini.

Christian Willam, President of the Journeymen/women Exam Committee, gave an overview of this year’s exam results. The three best examinees were honored for their excellence performance.

Shanty choir „Mövenschiet“ with appealing local flair provided the musical background for this event. In a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere, the new journeymen/women started their professional career as highly-qualified skilled workers in a system-relevant health craft.