Interdisciplinary co-operation on Hearing Acoustics: Launch of the HörHanse

With the launch of the Homepage , the alliance co-operation HörHanse (Hearing Hanse) has now gone public under the motto „We are hearing“. They are working at the Hanse Innovation Campus in Luebeck since April 01, 22023.  In an interdisciplinary approach the topic „Hearing“ will be advanced in research projects, courses of study, in the clinical field and in co-operations. The HörHanse consists of the afh (Academy of Hearing Acoustics), the LBS (Federal Vocational School, the biha (Federal Guild of Hearing Aid Acousticians), the  DHI (German Hearing-aid Institute), the Musikhochschule Luebeck, the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, the Luebeck University, Luebeck TH (University of Applied Sciences) and hear concept.

This projects aims at providing a good and reliable acoustic communication to people with hearing impairments, while enjoying a high comfort of hearing. The afh will contribute comprehensive know-how regarding teaching and will strengthen Luebeck’s position as a nationwide innovator in hearing acoustics.

The launch date of this project is no co-incidence: The audiological, technical and neuro-scientific research – all areas related to hearing and listening comprehension – are currently witnessing an innovation boost. Moreover, in view of the aging population, there is an increasing awareness for hearing as a matter of social relevance.

The offices are located on the Hanse Innovation Campus Luebeck. The project is planned for three years and supported by the Damp foundation. The first HörHanse event already took place with the leitmotif „Knowlegde creates Health“: The Hearing Day of Action at CITTI Park in Kiel. Attendees had the chance to get information on all issues relating to hearing health and consult experts. The afh took part in the lecture program and offered free hearing tests on site.

The next event, a series of lectures on „Vibrations“, will take place at the Beichthaus in Luebeck on June 07, 2023. For all dates, information and news, check out