Intermediate and journeyman examinations

Intermediate and journeyman examinations

Intermediate and journeyman examinations

The journeyman examination concludes the apprenticeship in a craft trade. It is governed by the Crafts Code and complemented by the regulation on the vocational training for hearing aid professionals (HörAkAusbV). During the apprenticeship an intermediate examination will be held. The intermediate examination takes place after half of the training period is completed to determine the performance level.

The examination committees of the Federal Guild of Hearing Aid Professionals conduct the intermediate and journeyman examinations for all apprentices in the hearing acoustic trade at the Campus Hearing Acoustics.

The intermediate examinations take place as part of the 5th block of vocational school training in Lübeck, written parts of the journeyman examinations at the end of the final block of vocational school training. The practical journeyman examinations will be held twice a year: in the summer, usually in the first week of school vacation (Schleswig-Holstein) and in the winter, usually in January.

Legal bases and information

The Craft Code and the regulation on the vocational training for hearing-aid professionals are the legal basis for the intermediate and journeyman examinations.

The journeyman examination committees have made information sheets on the structure and course of the examinations available:

Registration Journeyman Examination

Apprentices (examinees) are responsible to register for the journeyman examination. Please note that the registration deadline is a cut-off period: late registrations will not be considered for the current journeyman examinations.

We recommend sending they request for admission via registered mail. Requests for admission, which do not arrive or arrive late, will not be considered and you will be excluded from the examinations.

Office of the Journeyman Examination Committees

Postal address:
Bundesinnung der Hörakustiker KdöR


Bessemerstraße 3

23562 Lübeck

Maischack, David Alexander

Head of Intermediate and Journeyman Examination and IT-Development


+49 (0)451 5029-147

Hebrok, Inga

Intermediate and Journeyman Examination


+49 (0)451 5029-147

Hoffmann, Christina

Intermediate and Journeyman’s Examination


+49 (0)451 5029-147

Rowedder, Hanja

Intermediate and Journeyman Examination


+49 (0)451 5029-147


Stoepel, Gay

Intermediate and Journeyman Examination


+49 (0)451 5029-147


Unthan, Nina

Intermediate and Journeyman’s Examination


+49 (0)451 5029-147