City Cycling Contest “Stadtradeln Lübeck 2024”: Team Campus Hearing Acoustics takes part in pro-climate challenge and travels about 7,000 kilometres by bike
The Campus Hearing Acoustics team has once again performed well and is excited about the team’s achievement. During the period from June 22 to July 12, 2024, every kilometre by bike counts. The initiative supports the climate-friendly option to take the bike for everyday routes. Every kilometre is counted towards the team performance. This is fun, good for the climate and keeps you in shape.
As in previous years, the Campus Hearing Acoustics team was highly motivated. Teachers, staff, lecturers, apprentices and students joined in. The School Society supported the initiative and promoted it when handing out rental bikes.
This year, the team kicked off the “Stadtradeln Lübeck” City Cycling campaign with a tour to Ratzeburg on June 23, 2024. Veronika Franz, teacher at the Federal Vocational School for Hearing Acousticians had organized the tour and invited to take part. Participants enjoyed the fresh breeze in their faces and collected the first kilometres. This year, 45 people had joined the Campus Hearing Acoustics team. Together they travelled more than 6,850 kilometres by bike within the 21-day period, which according to the City Cycling “Stadtradeln” organizers, helped to avoid approximately more than 1,000 kilogram of climate-damaging CO2 emissions.
“Stadtradeln” is an international City Cycling competition, organized by the Climate Alliance. It aims at drawing attention to the need for a better cycling infrastructure. People in participating municipalities are challenged to travel as many kilometres by bike during a 21-day period between May and September. The initiative wants to encourage people to switch from car to bike in every day travelling.