International Transfer of Knowledge:Train-the-Trainer-Courses in Egypt
5,000 km from Lübeck to Cairo. At the end of May 2023, three afh lecturers travelled all the way to Egypt, in order to train 40 Hearing Acoustic professionals. Led by Vincent Gansel, Head of International affairs and Industry, the first topic of the training courses was drilling and the manufacturing of individual ear molds. The 6-day seminar was concluded with a theoretical and a practical exam and an afh certificate for the successful participants.
80 percent of the participants, experienced in the fitting of hearing systems, have passed the final exams – a high success rate, a great result and a worthy conclusion of a successful training session in the training center of the Princess Fatma Academy’s Egyptian hospital.
In return, an Egyptian delegation will travel to the Lübeck Campus Hearing Acoustics in September, in order to pass on their knowledge and skills in the field of CI fitting and after care. biha (Federal Guild of Hearing Acousticians), the Egyptian Ministry of Health as well as renowned professors of otorhinolaryngology have jointly selected this subject. Another course is planned for autumn this year on the topic of hearing system settings.
The Campus Hearing Acoustics is known internationally for its specialized knowledge and expertise in the field of hearing acoustics. The partnership of the Federal Guild of Hearing Acousticians and the Supreme Council of University Hospitals, the highest committee for the training of health professionals in Egypt, was concluded in April 2022. Former biha President Marianne Frickel took a leading role at the time. The objective of this partnership is to intensify and promote the reciprocal exchange of knowledge in the field of professional training, in order to help hearing impaired people all over the world.
Moreover, the partnership wants to be an example for other countries and organization.