Academy of Hearing Acoustics
Campus Hearing Acoustics
Master Preparation
Training and Further Education
Academy International
Tackle the Master Craftsman Certificate now – with the right preparation at the Academy of Hearing Acoustics!
Information on the Vocational Training and Career Opportunities in the Hearing Acoustician Trade during the Week of Professional Education
Job Offers
The Academy for Hearing Acoustics is hiring.
See our careers page for more information.
The Academy of Hearing Acoustics is Germany’s central education facility for Hearing aid professionals, responsible for the industry-wide vocational training, the Master Craftsman courses as well as continuous professional further education and training. The training courses offered are based on the standards of the professional image and the vocational training regulations. They aim at the acquisition of comprehensive professional, craft-related, social and methodical competencies.
Since 1972 the Campus Hearing Acoustics is jointly operated by the Academy of Hearing Acoustics and the Federal Vocational School for Hearing Aid Professionals. With this inter-campus co-operation, the Academy and the Vocational School, organize the industry-wide vocational training.